Thursday 25 February 2016

Randwick, signs

This orthodontic surgery is located in a former residential building on the corner of Botany Street and High Street, near the Prince of Wales Hospital and Royal Hsospital for Women, in the eastern suburb of Randwick. The information and advertising signs along with the directional and street signs almost overwhelm this corner.


  1. Oh nice, I remember that building from 11 years ago. But yes, the signs have multiplied. If you're driving, you have to be a quick reader. :)
    My grandsons were born at Royal Hospital for Women, yay!

  2. Curious to convert a residence into surgical use. I like the look of the place.

    1. That's interesting, William, because it happens here all the time, with doctors and dentists particularly.

  3. Seeing the signs from this angle, I would be a bit confused as to which direction to go!

  4. I see that one has to go to just the right Emergency Room. Interesting collection of signs.

  5. I like the two wooden signs, presumably with the names of all the doctors on them. But the posters are ugly and so are the street signs. Yes we have to have street signs for motorists, but they can be presented more sympathetically than that.

  6. Clear signs are what you need when it's emergency.

    Frankly My Dear


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