Tuesday 21 June 2016

The Rocks, First Fleet Park, Vivid Sydney

"Mondrian Cube" was an art installation located in First Fleet Park at The Rocks, near Circular Quay, during the Vivid Sydney festival. It is inspired by the work of the Dutch painter, Piet Mondrian, a leader in the development of modern abstract art and a founder of the art movement De Stijl.


  1. Interesting stuff; I followed your link and enjoyed the information on this Mondrian Cube.

  2. It's like a Mondrian inspired Rubic cube. Love it.

    1. I thought that exactly :)
      So I would say Cubist influenced, rather than abstract for its own sake.

  3. Hi Jim, I see you added a photo to share. The abstract art work is so colorful. Very nice shot. I always enjoy your photos very much. Good Job.

  4. Very cool!
    Thanks for joining the weekly photo linky at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/06/drip-drip-drip.html

  5. yes, as fun60 put it - a Mondrian inspired Rubic cube - I love it.

  6. Cool stuff! Have to research more about the work of Mondrian.

  7. Always funny and gorgeous Vivid! Arianna

  8. Hi Jim, I wanted to tell you that your mum's hydrangeas in various colors, are the same colors we have here too. I think the type of fertilizer and soil one has, can determine the color of the flowers. Very pretty and very interesting. Thank you for sharing with me.

  9. Great shot, Jim! I love all of the illuminations.
    Thank you for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme.

  10. Una instalaciĆ³n muy bonita, me gusta con todo ese colorido

  11. Hi Jim, I am stopping by to tell you I am sorry my Linky did not come up on Blue Monday. We were gone all day and I was not aware that Linky did not show up until very late in the day.I am sorry for the problem. I feel sure I will get this fixed by next Monday. Our internet seems to be working great for the moment.

    Have a great week.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.