Thursday 28 July 2016

Arncliffe, railway station

Arncliffe railway station is on the Illawarra railway line in the southern suburb of Arncliffe. This photo from Platform 1 and 2 towards the ticket office and entrance is historical now, since work began recently to upgrade the station. Lifts are being installed, as well as shelters along the platforms, new stairs, benches, bins and signs.
Linked to: Signs, SignsGood Fences.


  1. Progress and improving for convenience is always welcome, yet I hope that it can be done without harming the historical structure.

  2. I'm glad they let you know which way to get out!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, it's one of the last railway stations on the line to install lifts and provide easy access for those who have trouble with stairs.

  4. I like the look. Try photographing again when the work is done.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, I've often wondered why our railway stations don't use the international standard of "Exit".

  6. That is a fine looking railway station. I do miss passenger trains. Use to travel on them as a kid.

  7. My favourite stations are the bluestone buildings from the 1860-1910 era (except when some sodding premier decided to close railway links all over the state gggrrr). Do you have a date for Arncliffe?

    1. Arncliffe station opened in October 1884. This ticket office building and entrance was probably built later though.

  8. The blue on the seats and the blue on the signage really pops out at you. Like the structure, too. Know you all will be happy to have the new lifts. genie

  9. pretty neat. i like the raised platforms.

  10. Nice looking building. It's great they are working to upgrade it and preserve the area. I like the colors in your shot.


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