Tuesday 5 July 2016

Darling Harbour, Pumphouse

Pumphouse is a pub located along Little Pier Street at Darling Harbour. It was originally designed and built as Hydraulic Pumping Station No.1 in 1891 in the Italianate Baroque architectural style for the Sydney and Suburban Hydraulic Power Company. Water was pumped from Sydney's water supply and stored in a large water tank (which can still be seen in the historic bar). The water was then pumped across the city to variuous buildings which utilised the water under pressure as a source of power. In 1975 it was restored to become the Pumphouse Brewery and Tavern, selling boutique, craft and house brew beers.


  1. Such a cool story behind the pub, and I like how it has retained the connection with the past through it's name :)

  2. I am so glad the late Victorian Pumping Station No.1 was maintained. And it was restored to become a really useful facility - the Pumphouse Brewery and Tavern :) Imagine if it was changed into a Mackers

  3. Quite an elegant "gin-mill" as I learned to call pubs. Certainly an edifice worth preserving.

  4. I like that old structures are repurposed instead of taken down.

  5. Creative shot for fences ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  6. Another great looking building and railing.

  7. I love that these old buildings can be re-purposed like this!

  8. I love the Baroque architecture used in the past for such a prosaic purpose.
    I'm so glad to be back to my blog. I'm not doing much, but I'm enjoying connecting with FB friends from the past.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
    (I wonder if I could change that name to "An Unfittie's Guide" and leave out the adventurous part)

  9. Very interesting historical building and so well maintained till today. Lovely to see such attractive place for daily social and commercial activities. have a good day!

  10. Grand old building, Jim!
    Many thanks for joining us at the Travel Tuesday meme. Hope to see more of your photos soon.

  11. Grand old building, Jim!
    Many thanks for joining us at the Travel Tuesday meme. Hope to see more of your photos soon.

  12. That's a fabulous building to have a pub. It would be a fun place to hang out.

    Lisa @ Life Thru the Lens


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