Sunday 14 August 2016

Barangaroo, Sculpture at Barangaroo

"Sculpture at Barangaroo" is a temporary exhibition from 6 August until 21 August 2016 in Barangaroo Reserve, in the inner city suburb of Barangaroo. "One Journey Ends: another begins...?" was created by Sally Kidall and has Sydney Harbour as a backdrop. Sitting under a transparent nylon fabric tent is a simple bamboo boat with two large oars. Lined with growing grass, it carries a cargo of plastic bags filled with water. The fact that the grass may grow – or die – during the exhibition is key to the artwork’s concept and speaks to the troubled world we live in.
Linked to: Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. they are both beautiful but i really like this one!!!!

  2. Wow-what a powerful work of art even if it is temporary.

  3. Such an interesting interpretation of a living sculpture.

  4. Grass grows, grass dies...and, yes, the world is in trouble!

  5. Brilliant idea! Thank you for sharing! I wondered what was inside the boat until I read what you wrote. It is scary to think of our depleting resources, yet the world carries on as if it is unlimited! #SundaysInMyCity

  6. The exhibit is very thought provoking. The shadows are beautiful. I'm so glad I stopped by.

  7. Snap!! That's my post this week too! We may've been strolling around past each other....


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