Monday 17 April 2017

Gladesville, workshop

This mural has been painted on the side wall of an auto panel beater and painter workshop located on the corner of Victoria Road and Gerald Street, in the lower north shore suburb of Gladesville. It depicts a four wheel drive and trailer driving into the outback towards Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia. To the left is another car travelling from the city and to the right are waterfalls in a rainforest.


  1. The perspective was done very cleverly :)

  2. Such an imaginative interpretation of a scene. Good to see it is high up and away from damaging tagging.

  3. Nice one and then to think that in 2004 I rode there really on a route from Darwin to Adelaide.

  4. I like it!
    A friend owns an auto body shop. Now I will think of him as the 'beat and paint' guy!
    Have a great week!

    1. It's interesting to see these differences through comments on blogs, with what we call a panel beater workshop you would call an auto body shop.

  5. makes this little old building interesting!

  6. Uluru surrounded by blue! Thanks for linking to Blue Monday.

  7. Great capture. Looks like you will just ride off the roof into the road.

  8. It's easy to imagine Uluru as an evocative goal on the horizon. I'd drive toward it. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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