Saturday 24 June 2017

Kogarah, water feature

This water feature is located in Kogarah Town Square, in the southern suburb of Kogarah. The water rises from three fountains at the back which spill into this pool. The water then cascades down a number of terraces and drains into a spiral among grasses. It was installed in 2005 and later dedicated to International Workers Memorial Day.


  1. That is really quite beautiful and I love the dedication, too!

  2. Replies
    1. If you're looking for it, it's in front of the library and opposite the Greek Orthodox church.

  3. Cool place. We have a water garden downtown, but much larger. Always glad when you take the time to drop by.

  4. I remember the beginning and end of this feature Jim, your shot today completes the journey!

    1. Thanks Grace. You may have noticed I included links to the beginning and end of the water feature too. :)


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