Monday 20 November 2017

St Peters, mural

This vivid mural along May Lane is on the back wall of a commercial building on the corner of King Street and Goodsell Street, in the inner city suburb of St Peters. It was created by street artists PeQue and Swaze and features three types of Sydney trains from history: S Set, Millennium and Standard suburban. Two of the chimney stacks at Sydney Park can be seen in the distance.


  1. Murals grab attention, don't they? But I like this one because it shows three types of historical Sydney trains. I wish other murals showed some historical relevance.

  2. I'm not surprised to see this si the work of 2 people - so much detail! And great that it has local and historical reference too.

  3. Great mural. Wonder why the middle train is resting in peace. Has it a hidden meaning.

  4. Love the way this mural mirrors the shape of the building. The painter is a fine artist. Great find and well photographed.

  5. nice one! what a delight to see it unobstructed by cars.

  6. Holy Moly, that's one vibrant mural. Plus lots of fascinating details to ponder. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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