Sunday 31 December 2017

St Mary's Cathedral, The Lights of Christmas

"The Lights of Christmas" was a light projection show on the façade of St Mary's Cathedral, on every night from 6th December until Christmas night 25th December. This is part of an animated sequence which showed images from the nearby Botanic Gardens and the concrete jungle of the city.


  1. These lights are so beautiful, Jim! Thank you for visiting me - sorry I didn't get to anyone before Christmas, but I hope you had a special time with friends and maybe even family (?). Am back with All Seasons this week, so am looking forward to see your thumbnail image:) Have a marvelous New Year!

    1. Thank you, jeannette. Hope you have a Happy New Year and see you back at All Seasons.

  2. ...I'd love to see these light shows in person, Happy New Year.

  3. Thanks for all your Christmas posts, Jim. Sydney really knows how to spread the joy and light.
    Happy new year to you!

  4. This is spectacular like all the ones that went before. Happy New Year, Jim

  5. Thanks everyone and Happy New Year to all.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.