Tuesday 13 February 2018

Centennial Park, Superintendent’s Residence

The Superintendent’s Residence is located just inside the Paddington Gates entrance of Centennial Park along Oxford Street, in the eastern suburb of Paddington. This heritage listed building was was completed in 1888. Today, it can be hired as accommodation or for events.


  1. The building is quite attradtive. I would guess it is popular.

  2. Next time we are Sydney I hope it is not too hot to explore, as it was last February!

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again, surely you'll run out of beautiful buildings, Jim! The only building I really remember from my short visit to Sydney was, of course, the Opera House where my brother and I enjoyed a play, as tourists are wont to do. Of course, it was a long time ago, so I can be forgiven for forgetting, but I do remember buildings in Queensland, mostly the wonderful Queensland Colonial houses. And of course I can't mention Queensland without telling, yet again, how much we enjoyed a sail on the retired racing yacht Gretel on her first day out as a day-sailer. (Far from Sydney, I know, but Canada is even farther.)
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    1. Thanks for your dedication in visiting my blog, Kay. I'll keep searching for buildings of interest around Sydney.

  4. Lovely residence, as long as I'm not the one who gets stuck mowing the lawn ;-)
    Great shot Jim.

  5. Pretty nice spot for an event, that's for sure.



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