Friday 20 April 2018

Broadway, Grace Brothers department store, clock tower

This clock tower and globe lamp are part of the former Grace Brothers department store along Broadway, in the inner city suburb of Ultimo. It was built in the Federation Queen Anne architectural style as part of the flagship building of the department store and matching the original building across the road, completed in 1904. Grace Bros vacated the Broadway store in 1992 and these buildings were restored and redeveloped in 1998. This building became student accommodation for the nearby University of Sydney. Broadway is the name of the road that runs from Railway Square to the University of Sydney and is the border between the suburbs of Ultimo and Chippendale, Glebe and Camperdown.
Linked to: Skywatch Friday.


  1. The University of Sydney was my beloved's alma mater for 6 years. He loved the area and still goes back each five years to check it out.

  2. Wonderful place to be a student! Great shot, Jim!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Great shot ~ beautiful blue sky!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. That's a gorgeous old clock tower! Love the large globe on top.

  5. So many of our old department store buildings in the United States have either been demolished or stand empty. Where I work, in Binghamton, we have a number of old buildings downtown that have been repurposed into student housing. Alana

    1. It's good when these buildings are repurposed. It saddens me to see heritage buildings lost.

  6. That is one glorious clock tower...they knew how to make them in the old days.. It looks like there is an alcove up there for visitors; if so, that must be a nice vantage point to get some shots of the surrounding area.

  7. This looks very special, a decorative style in an interesting image detail.

  8. I passed this the other day exploring Ultimo and so wanted to photograph it. It was superb. Construction and scaffolding were in the way though :(

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  10. I used to shop there when it was Grace Brothers, and I am in there now as I type this. It was a lovely old department store - we have lost so many in Sydney. I did my Saturday shopping there in the early 90s, and bought various white goods.

    Funny story re the Globes (there are two, one on each building). When Grace Brothers moved out, and the new owner took over, they got a call from a scrapyard. "Do you want your balls back"?"

    The illuminated globes had been removed in 1942 because of the wartime blackout, and had languished under tarpaulins in a scrapyard for 50 years. They were recovered and restored.


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