Tuesday 1 May 2018

Queen Victoria Building, wishing well (Theme Day: Laugh)

The Legend of Islay is a monument outside the Queen Victoria Building, on the corner of George Street and Druitt Street. The 60 centimetre bronze statue of a Queen Victoria's favourite pet, a Cairn terrier named Islay, propped up on a sandstone wishing well was erected in 1987. It stands near a sculpture of Queen Victoria herself and a stone from the Blarney Castle is embedded in the brickwork. When you approach the dog talks: “Hello, my name is Islay. I was once the companion and friend of the great Queen Victoria. Because of the many good deeds I have done for deaf and blind children I have been given the power of speech. If you cast a coin into the wishing well now, I will say thank you." If you throw a coin in the wishing well, he says, "Thank you, woof, woof."


  1. Well from Idaho and stopping in from Perth Daily Photo. It been a while since I've seen a wishing well.
    If you have time stop in for a cup of coffee

  2. Wow, at first I thought you might be LAUGHING at us here, Jim. Really, a talking dog statue?
    But now I see it's true! How did I ever miss this attraction in Sydney?! OK, next visit.

    1. The novelty might have worn off for me but it certainly makes visitors and tourists laugh.

  3. ...wishing wells have been popular for ages. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your week.

  4. That made me smile just thinking about it Jim 😀😀

  5. This is great, interesting and unique. Excellent for the theme.

  6. Lovely shot ~ filled with so much history!

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I am virtually throwing a coin in with a wish. Wonder if it will come true? Thanks for sharing this history.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  8. You have spoilt us today! A wishing well with a talking dog.


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