Saturday 21 July 2018

Botanic Gardens, Lotus Pond

The Lotus Pond in the Royal Botanic Gardens has no plants visible above the water in the middle of winter. The fountain in the centre is known as the Bird Bath Fountain, first installed before 1879 but replaced in 1987, due to damage. The pond looks very different in spring


  1. It may be winter where you are, but it still looks beautiful.

  2. winter??? It looks so summery to me(except for the absence of flowers in the pond)

    1. We are lucky with our weather, Marsha. We get a lot of clea, sunny days in winter.

  3. It's probably having a rest to get ready for Spring again, even so it looks very similar there to how our Winter is.

  4. A spot of peace and reflection in the centre of a noisy city. Great spot.

  5. Wow, winter at the pond is so different from in spring. I would think I'm in a different place.

    1. A good reason to keep returning to this place in different seasons.

  6. Easy to imagine this pond will look gorgeous in spring and summer when the lotus are blooming! The bird bath adds to the interest for photographers:) Great features to interested people - thank you for sharing with All Seasons!
    Jesh StG


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