Friday 5 October 2018

Colonial State Bank

The Colonial State Bank building is located along Martin Place between Elizabeth Street and Phillip Street. This 36-storey tower was designed by Peddle Thorp Architects and built in 1986 in the post modern architectural style as the headquarters of the NSW State Bank. It was taken over by Colonial in 1996 to form the Colonial State Bank, until it was taken over in 2000 by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. This view is from Hunter Street towards Elizabeth Street and has been made possible from this angle following the demolition of a number of buildings along Hunter Street for a new development.
Linked to: Skywatch Friday.


  1. That's a large bank building and very modern in appearance.

  2. Having a bit of trouble with Google, hence the second comment...

    1. Thanks, MMT. There seems to be a lot of that happening lately.

  3. Wonderful architecture, thanks for sharing.

  4. Hello, it is a beautiful tower. Great photo. Have a happy Friday, happy weekend!

  5. Another majestic sky shot and great composition ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores


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