Thursday 22 November 2018

Kings Cross, signpost

This signpost is located at Fitzroy Gardens, along Macleay Street in the inner city locality of Kings Cross. It shows distances from Sydney to cities around the world such as London, New York, Berlin, Moscow, Frankfurt, Capetown, Auckland, Seoul and Kuala Lumpur. 


  1. ...exciting destinations in every direction.

  2. My, Sydney is a long way from many places, but it depends on which way around one goes. What a fun sign.

  3. Replies
    1. It's interesting that two German cities feature. While researching, I saw a photo from the other side with different city names. I'll have to go back and see whether that's current or from the past.

  4. What?! No Melbourne, the cultural and sporting capital of the universe?

  5. I have a photo that shows part of the other side for I was aiming the building across the square. Rio, for instance, is closer than Paris

  6. Nice sign, we have a similar one in Perth.


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