Monday 4 February 2019

Stanmore, murals

These murals are on the side wall of a house on the corner of Liberty Street and Trafalgar Street, in the inner city suburb of Stanmore. They were painted in 2013 and feature Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn in a scene from the movie African Queen and Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen.


  1. Replies
    1. Sure is. I only saw a possible queen connection when I was typing up African Queen and Queen.

  2. Perfect choice of characters - Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn on one side, and Freddie Mercury on the other.

  3. They look so skilled — I wonder who painted them and how they did it... projecting an image? Somehow enlarging a small original? Curious.

    best... mae at

  4. Beautiful mural Jim! I was wondering what the connection was between Freddie and the others but as you say it could be "Queen" or maybe just great artists. Thanks for contributing.

  5. And very wel executed. Like this murals Jim.

  6. Smart, thinking of the Queen connection! It is gorgeous.

  7. I just saw the movie on the plane and was disappointed. Guess Freddie would just prefer being in that mural instead!


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