Tuesday 30 April 2019

Kyeemagh, Sculpture @ Bayside

Endeavour by Mick Thomson
Fly Away by Sue Corbet
Contemplation by Sue Corbet
Regret by Louis Pratt
Weight of Faith by Adam Galea
Sculpture @ Bayside is an annual event that takes place at Cook Park, on the Botany Bay foreshore, in the southern suburb of Kyeemagh. This outdoor exhibition runs from 6 April to 30 April 2019 and features the best artworks from the Bayside Arts Festival.


  1. ...Jim, lovely sculptures in this 'outdoor gallery!

  2. I really like the Sue Corbet sculptures.

  3. Amazing how artists capture and make them look real. Great photos. Thanks for sharing with Pictorial Tuesday.

  4. I'm a big fan of sculptures, and these are stunning. I enjoyed the variety presented in your photos. Looks like a lovely place to visit.
    My post features tulip fields in Mt. Vernon, Washington.


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