Sunday 1 September 2019

Rookwood, gazebo (Theme Day: Red)

This small gazebo is located in Rookwood Cemetery in the western suburb of Rookwood.


  1. Replies
    1. Billy, I don't think it's a memorial in place of a headstone but it could be dedicated to someone.

  2. In public parks, I love gazebos and pavilions where there is enough space to fit in a couple of coffee tables or a small musical group.

    However at Rookwood, closing the walls in.. would be an excellent way to protect flowers from the hot or cold weather.

  3. Nice. I know there was a long period here in the US when cemeteries were regarded as a place for family outings, so they were designed like parks.

  4. A lovely and intimate detail of this place, Jim. Also glad to have you back at All Seasons. Your share is apprciated:) Have a great week!

  5. Interesting and unusual building on the cemetery.


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