Saturday 26 October 2019

Camperdown, Lake Northam

Looking across Lake Northam in Victoria Park, in the inner city suburb of Camperdown.


  1. Now that is a lovely peaceful scene Jim. Have a good weekend.

  2. Your temperatures would appear to be much like ours even though we are in opposite seasons.

  3. This looks sooo peaceful, Jim. It would make for a lovely golf course, at first I thought it was one.
    We had our coolest day so far this year. Down to 50F. Last year it didn't get below 32F so the grass stayed green all year and also the annual kept on blooming. We live near Houston, Texas, to the West.

  4. Love the reflection in the water, Jim! Looks like a great park to spend some time:) Sorry am late with responding. Am at Peets Coffee, because we haven't had electricity since last Saturday (meaning also no wifi).
    Many thanks for sharing with All Seasons, and have a great week. Don't do anything before I've written you an email about the Illuminati!

  5. It's so nice when cities plan on parks when they are laid out. - Margy


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.