Saturday 21 March 2020

Ryde Bridge

A catamaran passes under Ryde Bridge, also known as Uhrs Point Bridge, carries Concord Road over the Parramatta River linking the northern suburb of Ryde with the inner west suburb of Rhodes. It comprises of a steel truss vertical-lift bridge (northbound) and a concrete fixed-span bridge (southbound).


  1. We live in a water world too. I love all the boating opportunities here in the Pacific Northwest. - Margy

  2. Really pretty, Jim. Our local bridges are pedestrian although the bridges over the Houston Ship Channel are high and very pretty.

  3. Looks like a good strong bridge, nice blue skies there too

  4. That's quite a handsome bridge. I enjoy watching vertical lift bridges do their thing. Don't have any chance of that sight where I live now. Take care.

  5. Love the symmetry and sturdy look of this bridge. Is a vertical lift bridge, where one part goes to a vertical position upward to let ships through? That would be very cool. Have seen those kind of bridges in the Netherlands when still living there before. Great subject for All Seasons, Jim:) Wishing you health and happiness in these weird times!

    1. Yes, that middle section would rise to let ships through. Since the second crossing is fixed, there must be no need for such large ships to use the river these days.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.