Saturday 25 July 2020

Chippendale, park

Looking across Chippendale Green to apartment buildings located along Park Lane, in the inner city suburb of Chippendale.


  1. Half my suburb got COVID tested because we all eat in those restaurants and Spice Alley. I love it there. And white rabbit....

  2. The red/orange leaves are a nice contrast between the metallic looking buildings.

  3. Your photos always remind me of our wonderful round earth with the different and opposite seasons.

  4. Qhat a beautiful 3-tier view in Chippendale, Jim. The reflections give it even more the feeling of spece! Many thanks for sharing Chippendale with All Seasons! Have a great weekend, Jesh

  5. I always forget that you guys are on opposite seasons. Hope all is well in Australia!


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.