Thursday 13 August 2020

Lilyfield, commercial and residential

This mixed use commercial and residential building is located along Lilyfield Road between Catherine Street and Lonsdale Street, in the inner west suburb of Lilyfield. It was built in 2014 on a former industrial site and has been designed to match the streetscape of former warehouses in the area. It contains a supermarket and liquor shop on the ground and lower ground levels.


  1. I think those mixed use buildings are quite a good deal!

  2. When my family came to Australia in the Inter War years, every shop keeper lived in the rooms above his/her shop, for convenience and relative cheap rents. But I haven't seen new mixed use shops-and-flats buildings for ages. Are the people in the upper level residences disturbed by the crowds below?

    1. I wouldn't think so. All the shopping happens indoors and there seems to be underground parking for customers.

  3. Where I grew up in the Bronx (a part of New York City) we had an entire housing development that consisted of mixed use buildings. It is such a great idea. And you have IGA's, too....

  4. When I was born we lived with my grandparents in a apartment over my father's store. They were house sized really. It was wonderful :).

  5. I like this building. Not something I would see in my small town. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.


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