Friday 4 September 2020

Bondi Beach, sunset

Looking across Bondi Beach at sunset from Biddigal Reserve, in the eastern suburb of North Bondi.
Linked to: Skywatch Friday.


  1. I love that golden light! Looks a lot like our S CA beaches.

  2. Oh my goodness---captivating. Love the sun bouncing along the wet sand.

  3. Jim,

    What a gorgeous, gorgeous sunset! Many years ago while visiting good friends in Naples Florida I captured the sun slipping over the Gulf in all of its splendor. That was a wonderful experience. I loved every moment of it! Thanks for sharing and for the visit today. Have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe and be well!

    Curious as a Cathy

  4. What a beautiful sunset! Is it as business as usual at this beach?

    1. It's getting back to normal but people are social distancing somewhat. We're only just coming out of winter but the weather is great so there are a lot of people at the beach.

  5. Wishing I was there viewing that scene in real life; but alas. It is what it is. Take care.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.