Monday 28 September 2020

Newtown, mural

This mural is painted on the side wall and roller door of a substation along Mary Street, in the inner city suburb of Newtown.


  1. Weird creatures, but it makes for a cute mural.
    Thanks for participating Jim.

  2. A bit Jheronimus Bosch and by him you have always 2 sides. Good or bad and guess with side takes the biggest place.

  3. I love it! I guess the guy at the end is a party hat? He resembles Mr. Funnelhead, a character who teaches about the proper recycling of used oil (from cars). Don't just pour it down the drain or in the gutters! My neighbor did that for years. He frightened my youngest son just be existing!

  4. I have to agree with Linda on her comment. It did remind me of Bosch, too. What a unique entry and lovely find. Sorry I'm late visiting. Just playing catch-up after being offline for nearly 10 days due to my incompetent internet provider.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.