Thursday 1 October 2020

Newington Armory, Wharf Canteen

The Armory Wharf Canteen is located at the end of Jamieson Street, in the western suburb of Sydney Olympic Park. It was originally known as Building 12, the Wharf Transport Office, associated with Newington Wharf which serviced
Newington Armory. It features some of the original signage which outlines the Newington Wharf Safe Loadings and some of the newer signs for the shop which operates for tourists.


  1. That would be an amazing place to visit! We are all getting a bit of wanderlust after being home for so long!

  2. Wish I could pack my bags and have a trip there. Looks very interesting.

  3. Hello,
    It is a cute little building, my favorite color too.
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. What a nice little building, great colour too.


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