Monday 30 November 2020

Eveleigh, Carriageworks, art

CarriageWorks is a multi-venue arts centre in the inner city suburb of Eveleigh. The Carriageworks sign structure has been used to create a unique neon artwork called "Remember Me" by Indigenous artist Reko Rennie. The building behind it is Yaama Dhinawan, a hospitality college specialising in indigenous culture and cuisine, at this training, community and function centre. Yaama Dhinawan means Hello Emu, and an indigenous mural of an emu has been painted on the wall.


  1. Is it our character or our reputation that we want remembered???...:)jp

  2. That’s a fascinating endeavor to validate indigenous identity with education. I like the art work and would like to see the emu.

    be safe... mae at

    1. Mae, if you click on the Yaama Dhinawan link, you can see the emu closer and in the daytime.

  3. Great sign Jim. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.


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