Friday 13 November 2020

Sydney Olympic Park, Australia Towers

Australia Towers are two apartment buildings along Australia Avenue, in the western suburb of Sydney Olympic Park. Australia Towers​ I and Australia Towers II were built in 2015 and were the first residential development in the former Sydney Olympic Games precinct.
Linked to: Skywatch Friday.


  1. Not on the cheap side I guess. Probably a nice view though.

  2. I"m betting they get a great view from up there.

  3. The attached description with capture is most attractive part of blog. Thanks for introducing Sydney city. I am not sure if I can visit the city anytime in life, your virtual tours are enough as of now :-)

  4. Love the rounding in this high rise! It's fun when the architects once in a while steer away from squared corners:) Many thanks for linking to WOW - I enjoyed this and the building is certainly a wow! Jesh

  5. Hello,
    Looks like a beautiful place to live. Take care, have a happy Friday and a great weekend!


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