Sunday 27 December 2020

Hurstville, park, Christmas

This Christmas gift decoration has been installed in Hurstville Interchange Open Air Gallery Park, near the ramp to the railway station in the southern suburb of Hurstville.


  1. Nice decoration - very stylish! :) Happy Christmas & New Year!

  2. That's a big gift. I wonder what's inside. ;-)
    Bird seed, perhaps?

  3. My brain has to reboot to remember you are enjoying summer Christmas.

  4. What a delightful gift box, with that big bow on top, Jim. That must make it feel like Christmas, even though it's summer where you live - thank you so much for sharing this with All Seasons! Hope you enjoyed Christmas day and have a lovely week - up to the New Year:) Jesh

    1. It's always been summer at Christmas where I live so feels perfectly natural. ;)

  5. I remember the same present from a few years ago in the city of Amsterdam. Thw travel a lot then. Nice.

  6. What would a city scene be without pigeons and their shadows? As you can see, I completely forgot to post a new Shadow Shot link on January 2nd, but there will be one available on the 9th. Hope to see you there, and Happy New Year!


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.