Monday 1 February 2021

Milsons Point, Luna Park (Theme Day: Smile)

The entrance to Luna Park, an amusement park along Olympic Drive, in the north shore suburb of Milsons Point. Luna Park opened in 1935, on the site of the former workshops for the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The heritage listed face and towers are designed in the art deco style with the gaping smile forming the entrance.


  1. Hi Jim. One has to reflect on the building dimensions, in the background, to realize how big the smile is that you are sharing. Good choice for our theme day.

  2. That is brilliant Jim and so perfect for the theme :)

  3. I would have gone för a panorama here. Nice smile.

  4. As children, we were taken to Luna Park at St Kilda Beach every year and loved it. So now I am very pleased to see that Sydney has a Luna Park, and that the big front entrance still looks well preserved.

  5. A well know and fun Sydney landmark. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Jim

  6. What a great big smile, I love it. Well done, Jim.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.