Wednesday 26 May 2021

Kurnell, Alpha House

 'Alpha House' is located along Cape Solander Drive, in the southern suburb of Kurnell. The first Alpha House was built in 1815, when seven hundred acres were acquired by James Birnie to establish 'Alpha Farm'. John Connell built a new stone cottage on the foundations in 1828, retaining the underground cool rooms. By the 1890s it was abandoned and in 1902 this heritage listed timber guesthouse was built on the site.


  1. That's amazing that it is so old ! It looks as if it had been built yesterday !

  2. Nice old house, I'm happy it's been restored.

  3. How fascinating, Jim! Good to see you on #WW again. :)

  4. History is always interesting in bits and pieces, so thanks!

    So happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  5. That's such a lovely building. Thanks for sharing at

  6. My great-great-grandmother was born 1823 in the original cottage built in 1815. Her father, David Duncomb, a free settler, was managing the property for James Bernie. She is thought to be the first free white child born south of Botany Bay and could also be the first white child born south of Botany Bay. Today I was given an old pictorial book on the Sutherland Shire, there's a sketch of Alpha Farm with the old cottage, looks wooden but not sure. Cows were roaming the grounds.


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