Sunday 3 April 2022

Waverley, The Grange

'The Grange' is a historic building on the corner of Carrington Road and Salisbury Street, in the eastern suburb of Waverley. It is part of the campus of Waverley College, a Christian Brothers school for boys.


  1. What a beautiful building. I hope the grubby little boys were kept in the other buildings of the school :)

  2. Nice to see that the old construction still stands

  3. Its a pretty building, I like the gables

  4. hey there Jim. hope u r well. take care this week. and glad to be with all of us church link up friends again. laters. ( ;

  5. "The Grange" was a big thing in farming communities in the last century when farming was the occupation of a large portion of the US citizenry. Love the gingerbread shadows.


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