Friday 21 October 2022

Millers Point, Dalgety's Bond Stores

Dalgety's Bond Stores are located along Munn Street, in the inner city suburb of Millers Point. The heritage-listed former warehouse complex was built in 1875 in the Free Classical style, providing storage space for the nearby shipyards. The steep fall of the site reveals three more storeys below, addressing Hickson Road adjacent to the wharf. The warehouses were redeveloped in the 1970s and are now used for commercial office space  
Linked to: Skywatch Friday


  1. It is so interesting to know that the windows are not even aligned!

    1. That's an interesting observation. Hadn't noticed that.

  2. Lovely sky and clouds - I enjoy looking at pictures of old buildings like this one. Happy that it was repurposed and not left to rot, or to be demolished.

  3. It is a beautiful building.
    Have a great day!

  4. Interesting history and a cool place to have an office!

  5. Windows are placed here and there and everywhere. mmmm the windows are all different sizes too. I wonder what room is behind each window for the construction to be this way? Nice find. Architecture of building is very interesting to say the least. Do you know who designed this building?

  6. Amazing structure ~ sky is so blue and wispy clouds ~ neat photo ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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