Saturday 8 October 2022

Walsh Bay, anchor

This anchor is displayed as a memorial on Towns Place Wharf opposite Pier 9 on Walsh Bay at Millers Point. The plaque reads: Build Anchor from HMAS Sydney (IV) Pennant Number FFG03 Hull Number FFG35. Donated by the Department of Defence and placed in the City of Sydney by the NSW Government and Precinct Association to recognise the service of the Officers and Sailors from all the ships with the proud name HMAS Sydney.
Linked to: Weekend ReflectionsAll Seasons.


  1. That looks plastic. I will have something to go for in my next visit there.

  2. This giant anchor must catch attention. I also think is something else than steel. Coated paper mache? Four straps on the bottom bolt it down onto the foundation.

  3. I like this anchor memorial. I am sure it will have many interesting stories to tell if it can speak.

  4. Was there some specific event that the anchor memorialises?

    1. There is a plaque but I didn't get a close up so I can't read it now. I can't seem to find any info online which is unusual. When I go back there I'll add any info to this post.

    2. Dedicated to HMAS Sydney. I have now added the plaque details to the post.


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