Saturday 5 November 2022

Eveleigh, Locomotive Workshop

The Locomotive Workshops are located along Locomotive Street, in the inner city suburb of Eveleigh. They were opened in 1887 for the maintenance and manufacture of steam locomotives. Bays 3, 4 and 4A were the Boilermaker's Shop, with Bay 3 featuring the Heat Treatment Room. These workshops closed in 1988 and these bays have now been redeveloped to house a supermarket, restaurant, a function centre and office space. Some of the old workshop equipment has been retained and is on display along the walkways.
Linked to: Weekend Reflections.


  1. Great idea to save and show local history in this way

  2. I love it when old buildings get repurposed and also love it when they leave some of the legacy relics behind.

  3. I love that they have left a bit of the history on display, Jim.

  4. This place looks industrial and modern at the same time


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