Sunday 11 December 2022

Martin Place, Statue of James Martin

This statue of James Martin is located in Martin Place near Phillip Street. Despite his poverty, he did whatever it took to get an education, including walking and hitching the 20 kilometres from his cottage in Parramatta to Sydney College, then the colony's best school. Martin went on to become a journalist, editor, Attorney-General of NSW, Chief Justice of NSW and the Premier of New South Wales, which explains why Martin Place bears his name. It was sculpted by Alan Somerville and unveiled in 2020 and depicts James Martin as a boy, book of Homer/Ὅμηρος in hand and a school bag on his back, as an inspiration to young students.


  1. James Martin showed that journalism and law were the two best preparations for an impressive political career. He deserves the honour of both the name Martin Place and the statue.

  2. Then the statue shows his childhood form instead of adult statue?

    1. Yes, depicted as a boy as an inspiration to young students.

  3. A fitting tribute to a self-made man, Jim! Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.