Sunday 25 June 2023

Barangaroo Reserve, Vivid Sydney


"Night Whisper" is an art installation which was located in Barangaroo Reserve for the Vivid Sydney Festival. The art work, created by Amigo & Amigo, features an oversized lightbulb with endangered Bogong Moths fluttering inside. The illuminated Sydney Harbour Bridge can be seen the distance.
Linked to: Shadow Shot SundaySunday Best, My Sunday Snapshot, Pink Saturday.


  1. Night Whisper is a beautiful art installation. The oversized lightbulb cleverly represents the attraction of light to both moths and humans.

  2. Vivid Sydney is such a spectacular event

  3. Very pretty. Nice way to catch the public's attention about endangered species.

  4. Quite an eye-catching display - with a message! Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  5. So many light installations. Who knew? Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.