Thursday 19 October 2023

Paddington, op shop

This shop with residence above is located along Oxford Street, in the inner city suburb of Paddington. It was built in 1895 in the Victorian style and is now home to Vinnies, a St Vincent De Paul Society op shop. In Australia, an opportunity shop is what might otherwise be known as a thrift shop or charity shop.
Linked to: Signs, SignsLittle Things ThursdayThankful Thursday.


  1. We have a few St. Vincent shops here too along with other charity shops. Sometimes you can find something good in them especially books which are very cheap.

  2. Similar look to some of the shops in Chapel st here.

    1. Oxford Street in Sydney is a lot like Chapel Street in Melbourne.

  3. We have vinnies op shops here too, my local one is pretty good.

  4. Nice building. I have a nice Vinnies near me with wonderful stuff, from books to clothes.

  5. Oxford Street has wonderful Victorian shops with residences above. But there is no reason why an op shop should look a bit shoddy. Move the rubbish bins to the back for 6 mornings a week, and paint the facade in only 1 or 2 fresh colours.

  6. I like this building and those arched windows are something you just don't see in today's architecture. Thank you for linking up.


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