Sunday 31 December 2023

Zetland, Green Square Plaza

This Christmas Tree is located in the plaza above Green Square Library, which is on the corner of Botany Road and Zetland Avenue, in the inner city suburb of Zetland. The structure behind it is an entrance, stairs and a lift connecting from the underground library to special rooms above ground.
Linked to: Shadow Shot Sunday, My Sunday Snapshot, Sunday BestRuby TuesdayFloral FridayGarden Affair.


  1. I like the idea of an underground library! I hope you had a lovely Christmas. All the best for 2024!

  2. That's such a pretty photo! Are you interested in seeing Shadow Shot Sunday continue? Did you want to host it? I'm will too, if people want it to keep it going. It's one of my favorite blog hops.

    1. Hi Lisa. I would like to see Shadow Shot Sunday continue but I can't take on the commitment to host. I will continue to participate if anyone else chooses to host though.

  3. An underground library. And flowers growing around a Christmas tree. Both, to me, most unusual. I liked the tree, though!

  4. What a lovely Christmas Tree! Hope you had nice holidays. Happy New Year!

  5. It`s an interesting building, and It is undoubtedly an unusual idea to build the library underground. How did it come about?

    Best wishes for healthy, happy New Year 2024,

  6. Oooo it's so pretty to see a sunshine christmas tree - Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  7. Lovely, Jim! Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme. Your loyalty and contributions are always appreciated.

  8. Stunning Decoration, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.