Wednesday 28 February 2024

Myer, Mardi Gras Festival

The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival is running from 16 February to Sunday 3 March 2024. To celebrate, these rainbow flag displays have been installed on the ground floor of the flagship Myer department store.
Linked to: Wordless WednesdayMy Corner of the WorldCommunal Global.


  1. Love all the colors.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ☺

  2. I have to say, they were very quick in the city to take down the LNY deocrations and go full Mardi Gras...DJs got rid for their dragon for MG displays LNY only got 1 week instead of 2 (though I guess maybe the shops went early for LNY and I just didn't see it....)

    1. I saw this being installed the week before the festival and they also had Lunar New Year decorations in other parts of the store.

  3. Quite colorful - a real treat for the eyes!
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. Replies
    1. Our celebrations commemorate a protest march and now coincide with carnivale around the rest of the world.


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