Saturday 13 April 2024

Ramsgate Beach, Botany Bay

A view of Lady Robinsons Beach on the shore of Botany Bay, in the southern suburb of Ramsgate Beach.
Linked to: Weekend ReflectionsAll Seasons, Happy NowWords Welcome.


  1. A relaxing view to me. I stopped by a beach at a lake earlier today. Workers were busy fixing a café and the outdoor dining area. All the jetties were new. The beach looked very clean. I was the only other person there for a while until another cyclist showed up.

    1. I swam at the beach yesterday but the water temperature has become chilly now which is why there aren't many swimmers seen here.

  2. Such a calm and serene setting, love the sound of lapping water.
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at #22 InLinkz #WordlessWednesday (Words are also welcome). See you again next week

  3. Sometimes the Sydney beaches have wild drowning waves crashing onto the shore ...and here the water is serene

  4. Beautiful. I miss these sorts of beaches.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.