Friday 28 June 2024

Monterey, sunset

Looking across Botany Bay with waves crashing on the shore of Lady Robinsons Beach in the southern suburb of MontereyThe sunset colours are reflected off clouds above the container terminals and bulk liquid & gas storage facilities in the eastern suburb of Port Botany.
Linked to: Skywatch Friday.


  1. Lovely. Summer evening at my place as I am typing this. 23C. I am on the veranda listening to birdsong, motorcycles and a few guys playing basketboll while scrolling the interweb. Might be time for a cup of coffee.

  2. I try and tell my friends that sometimes the evening glow off natural gas processing plants can almost be romantic but they don't believe me.
    All kidding aside, I love your shot.

  3. Special cloud and wonderful colour tone

  4. That's certainly a beautiful picture!

  5. Wow! Love the contrast between the beach and the industrial skyline.

  6. What a view! This photo perfectly captures the drama of the sunset across Botany Bay.

  7. That is such beautiful color on the waves and the clouds.


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