Sunday, 12 January 2025

Dawes Point, cannon

This canon is located  beneath the southern approach to the Sydney Harbour Bridge, in the inner city suburb of Dawes Point. There are five 42 pounder smooth-bore guns, c1850 cannon, from the former Dawes Point Battery positioned here in Dawes Point ParkFour of the gun barrels are in gravel plots in the approximate position of the outer ring of guns at the battery. This one sits on a replica of the gun carriage, positioned on the original emplacement, pointed into Sydney Harbour.


  1. It looks ready to blow a hole in that wall! You share such interesting things.

  2. Is it pointed at the wall intentionally? I like seeing history preserved.

    1. The Dawes Point Battery was located here before the bridge pylon was built. So they've positioned the cannon where it would have originally sat, pointing into the harbour.


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