Saturday 12 September 2009

Voyager Point

Voyager Point is one of the newer suburbs of Sydney, which was established in 1987. The suburb takes its name from the commemorative park which was established here to remember the loss of 82 naval personnel from the destroyer HMAS Voyager which collided with the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne in February 1964. Voyager Point contains many large new homes often cynically referred to as McMansions (left). The water reservoir at nearby Pleasure Point (right) marks a stark contrast on the horizon.


  1. Wow, these are neat the blue sky too.

  2. Thanks for sharing and describing the scene.

  3. What was in this area, before 1987?
    Was it an older area where the houses and shops were torn down for the brand new town? Or was it open bushland that had not seen much development at all?

    I am very pleased to see the name and park, memorialising HMAS Voyager.

  4. The suburb replaced natural bushland. Not much of the land south of the river around here had been developed.

  5. Concrete aussie architecture turns me off but the little house with the giant funnel, now that is truly something!

  6. Just stopping by from Life as I see it. Beautiful photos ! Have a great week-end.

  7. These new residential estates tend to be quite empty because they contain many cul-de-sacs and only a couple of main roads for traffic in and out of the suburb.

  8. The houses are beautiful, actually they look almost the same as my friends in Guangzhou.


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