Wednesday 23 December 2009

St James Church, Macquarie Night Lights

St James Anglican Church in King Street currently features Christmas Projections, a light show on its Macquarie Street facade as part of Macquarie Night Lights. A daytime view of the whole church from this side, a few months ago, can be seen here.


  1. Absolutely fantastic scene. And your photos are amazing.

  2. I enjoyed all the pictures, the trees, shopping windows and both Christmas projections, great!

  3. These are spectacular. Wish we had something like that down here.
    Have a merry Christmas.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  4. Newcastle must get in on the act! Those projections are so delightful and much more attractive than garish lights. Thank you.

  5. The designs for St James come up just so well, Jim. Transforms the building. Not that it needs transforming. Taken on the two major facades, it is a gorgeous church in the centre of the city.

  6. Beautiful projection on facades, Jim
    Merry Christmas!!

  7. These are terrific. Couldn't get St James at all, none of them worked. Shame about the scaffolding on the steeple, will be sorry to lose the lovely green patina.

  8. It’s that time of year again! I’m doing the rounds and apologising for my complete failure to more regularly offer comment on everybody’s incredible efforts for the year. I know how hard it can be to keep up with the daily grind of everyday posting, and want to thank you for your efforts.

    I especially want to wish festive greetings for all from down here at [nearly] the end of the world, the bottom of Tasmania.

    So, if you could delete whatever is not applicable, I’d like to wish you a very pleasant/merry/happy/wonderful/safe Amaterasu; Ashurall; Beiwe; Choimus; Christmas; Dazh Boh; Dongzhi; Goru; Hanukkah; Hogmanay; Junkanoo; Karachun; Koleda; Lenæa; Meán Geimhridh; Modranicht; New Years; Ras as-Sana; Rozhanitsa Feast; Şeva Zistanê; shōgatsu; Summer Solstice [if you're in the Southern Hemisphere]; Sviatki; Winter solstice [if you're in the Northern Hemisphere]; Yalda; Yule-tide; Ziemassvētki; and Коляда!

    With a hearty three cheers from Kris, Jen, Henry and Ezra!

  9. WOW! Love them all. The building sure looks different during the day. The one on the bottom right looks like stained glass!

    Merry Christmas, and happy holidays :)

  10. By all the lit buildings that I have seen on Sydney blogs the city must be alight with hundreds of buildings glowing different colours. I hope it is not starting to look kitch.

  11. From Auckland, New Zealand, please accept my warmest wishes for this Festive Season and a Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year for you and your loved ones!

  12. diane, there are eight buildings lit up with Christmas Projections, so it's not over the top. Even Martin Place lit up with with all the fairy lights isn't anywhere near as tizzy as many European cities are at Christmas.

  13. Really nice images, but the ones on the music conservatorie were even more fascinating.

    Thanks for the visit and merry christmas.

  14. Excellent pictures and I liked the arrangement ..

    Merry Christmas in advance Jim!!
    Sydney Harbour Events


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