Thursday 24 December 2009

St Mary's Cathedral, Christmas Night Lights

  St Mary's Cathedral is one of the heritage buildings in the city that is featuring Christmas Projections. Part of the College Street facade has been decorated with these colourful images that rotate every few minutes. The nativity scene that sits in the forecourt can be scene here.


  1. How beautiful! I enjoyed the photos in your previous posts too. So ... why does a window pop up and fill my screen whenever I try to leave a comment on one of your posts? It always worries me when it happens.
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. That is very beautiful. What a great idea for Christmas!

  3. Jim, it has been enjoyable working beside you to present our city to the world during 2009. May your Friday be filled with laughter, love and friendship in the company of those for whom you care most.

    My kindest regards

  4. Julie, thank you. It's been a pleasure working alongside you this past year. My blog opened up to the whole world after I joined City Daily Photo about a year ago. Wishing all the best to you and yours over the festive season.

    storyteller, I have blocked pop-up windows on my computer so I never see anything come up when I post comments. I have recently put in a word verification on comments because my blog was attracting spam. Maybe this is another issue. I will ask the people at Blogger to investigate.

  5. Wonder how it looks like in sunlight.

    May you all have a wonderful Christmas.

  6. That is gorgeous! I don't think I'd ever get tired of watching the changes.

  7. Your blog is so colourful right now after these last 3 days! A real treat for the eyes. Merry Christmas!

  8. Robert, the cathedral is one building I haven't had a chance to photograph yet in the daylight. In recent years there have been new spires installed, followed by a lot of refurbishment to the exterior, so much of it has been covered in scaffolding. Hopefully, I will get a chance to do it in the year ahead.

  9. Wishing you a Happy Christmas, it would be good to be able to meet you, maybe we can organise something next year. Best wishes.


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.