Wednesday 13 January 2010

Camperdown, Lake Northam

Lake Northam is a small lake in Victoria Park, which is located in the inner city suburb of Camperdown. The clock towers and globes above the old Grace Brothers department store buildings (top) and the tower above Market City can be seen in the distance. We've had a lot of rain recently which has certainly made the parks and gardens a lot greener. You can see the difference between these photos which were taken on the weekend and the shot of the fountain from a few weeks ago here.


  1. Really pretty!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and comments.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Jim, thank you for your comment just now. If you are in the office today, nip down and try to read what they old sign says in front of that guys head, please.

    I am going into the city to photograph more of a building for tomorrows post, so I will have a close up myself. I have zoomed in on my image and cannot work it out that way. In the flesh might be the only way to go.


  3. Aww man, you've been killing me with these pics from Camperdown the past few days!!

    My fiancé and I went to USyd for grad school as international students and we miss it so much!! This area will always be a second home. We've been "home" in the US for a little over a year now. Thanks for flooding us with memories! :D

  4. that is a lovely and beautiful park. A nice place to spend some time.

  5. Terrific, Jim. Thank you ever so much. I can make that out on my hard-drive version now that you have suggested it.

    Lunch-hour would explain the purposeful stride on the chap. As a street photographer, I often feel a bit like a director, just waiting for someone to walk onto my stage! I do believe this shot was taken Wednesday of last week.

    Once again, excellent detective work, of which I am most appreciative.

  6. The old buildings look like the palace of an Eastern potentate!

  7. Your park photos are eye candy to those of us tucked in against winter's cold here in the NE US! Just beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. ~karen

  8. Oh so pretty. I can't wait for our greening too.

  9. Wow look at all that green, excellent photos of a beautiful place.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  10. Nice place to take my very early morning jog!

  11. I love all the greenery - a nice treat given that all is grey and white in Toronto. A bit more snow might brighten things up at least. It looks nice and warm too. Minus 17 or so around here with the windchill of late.

  12. I sense a beautiful day the day you took these lovely images!
    The background buildings look like a very futuristic city in the background on first glance. I enlarged the image and they are stunning architecture examples.

  13. Carletta, it was a hot day. We're in the middle of a heatwave at the moment. If you zoom in on the second photo you can see a few people have stripped off and are sunbaking by the lake.

  14. Green - the colour of hope.

    Together with a big sigh to spend an hour there, a wish for a nice Wednesday for you.

  15. I do see, the grass in your earlier post is turning brow. Nice to see things greening up.

  16. The surroundings looks so green and refreshing. I enjoyed the clock tower views.

    One of our blogger friend is complaining about the heat wave and she said she is going downtown to cool off!

    Happy Wednesday!

  17. Very peaceful looking! I love the weeping willows bowing to the water...Christine

  18. Stunning landscape for the inner city! I used to walk past here so many times to Sydney Uni! The park still looks well groomed!

  19. It`s only whit here..So it`s nice to see some green!:-) Great shot!

  20. So calm and peaceful park! It is very pleasant, wonderful!

  21. Beautiful pictures with lots of water and green

  22. Great shots, and very green. I bet you were greatful for that rain as I understand its very hot over there, hotter than usual. Thanks for sharing Jim:)

  23. Love all the green, very pretty park and photos.

  24. Bellissimo questo lago con tutto questo verde così ben tenuto... in Italia sarebbe solo un miraggio !!!
    Le foto sembrano fatate !
    By Myriam :))


Thanks for visiting my blog. Please leave me a message. Jim.