Sunday 7 February 2010

Carramar railway station

This is a view of the railway station in the western suburb of Carramar. In my quest to photograph every suburb in Sydney, sometimes it's not an easy task to find a beautiful or interesting subject in some suburbs. Carramar is definitely one suburb which has been neglected and some could say that parts of it look quite derelict. However, I did manage to find a way to photograph the railway station platform nestled among the flowering bushes that does actually make this place look rather attractive. The name Carramar is derived from an Aboriginal word meaning 'shade of trees'.


  1. I love the colours, the brightness, so crisp!!

  2. Beautiful station, and you can be lucky with blue sky and nice flowers. Here in Germany we have snow, all over there...
    Servus and have a nice day

  3. Its looks warm there. You did do a good job on the photo.

  4. Nicely framed with the flowers and the sky.

  5. Based on the pretty flowering bushes, I'd say it looks like a nice place to wait for a train!

  6. That looks like a charming station - I love the flowers. Very homey looking!

  7. yes you definitely made the station look more interesting than it really is.... it's not a popular train station as there isn't much passenger coming from that area but at least they still keep it open.

  8. Love the perspective of this. You’ve taken a rather ordinary railway station and given it life.

  9. And pretty it does look with all those flowery bushes in the foreground!

  10. You must have fun riding all those trains. Collecting is a good thing ... I find it makes me go places and do things you would otherwise not.

  11. A lovely photo and a wonderful station. I love the old stations with quaintness and flowers abounding. I'ts like stepping bakc in time to a gentler era.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  12. It looks like a house to me, love the flowers too!

    UK Library

  13. I can picture myself waiting for a train here ... holding an old carpet bag. Love it!!

  14. And I hope the name still applies.

    Have a peaceful and blessed Sunday.

  15. Sometimes one has to look harder for the beauty of a place -- you always do seem to find it!

  16. From that angle, it definitely looks like a nice little building, good job!

  17. It is an attractive looking railway station. The flowering bushes look beautiful. Great shot!

  18. It looks very attractive, if rather small. Nice photo!

  19. A bit of envy for your weather, your stations look more better than ours. The meaning of the names is always interesting.


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