Saturday 6 February 2010

Canley Vale, arts and crafts centre

Westacott Cottage is a heritage building in the western suburb of Canley Vale that is now used as the Fairfield Arts and Crafts Centre. This late Victorian era cottage on Railway Parade was built by William Westacott in 1886 and occupied by the family until the 1970s.


  1. JBar sorry I haven't visited in a while. Im presently in Bolivia and have been blogging but not often able to make comments onother blogs. Always glad to see your pix.

  2. That's an interesting building, it looks like it could have been a railway station in the past. You always have the most beautiful blue skies in Sydney.

  3. what a pretty little cottage. I like the picket fence too.

  4. Interesting building. Probably started as a residential dwelling.

  5. anything built in the old days are now heritage even a little building like that... how can you manage to take pictures without any person in the background?

  6. Lindz, in the busy commercial areas, I usually pick a quiet afternoon on the weekend to take my pictures. For the recreational areas I usually visit on a weekday when most people are working. It also often involves some waiting around for the right moment when people are out of shot.

  7. JBAR,

    Thanks for sharing information and nice photo of this place.

  8. Such a lovely olden days cottage. Great post and info.

    Happy Weekend!

  9. Thanks for showing me around. Have a great weekend!

  10. i've seen places like this in some of the old archives of does look actually a lot like a local railway station in the town over from me.


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