Tuesday 16 February 2010

Customs House Square, advertisement

This Volkswagen kombi is being used for a promotion at Quay Bar, an outdoor bar in Customs House Square, near the tigers featured yesterday. The kombi van became a major counterculture symbol during the hippie era. Many featured hand-painted or air-brushed murals that made a statement about the era with their brilliant art work. At first, I thought this was an inspired art creation to celebrate Chinese New Year, in the Year of the Tiger based on an idea borrowed from an idyllic time, but then I realised this was actually just another way for a corporation to advertise a product, in his case a brand of beer.


  1. It certainly brings back memories of another time!

  2. these make me laugh now...i remember when they were so popular...can't believe they seem so old fashioned now...my dh's friend has a westfalia which were the combi in europe when i was living there. it's the corniest van.

  3. Fun photo of that yellow/orange VW camping van! I just wonder what year model it was?

  4. When I was young my mother drove a blue kombi to collect country kids to and from school. It was specially fitted out with enough seats for little bums. I always look upon them with affection.

    This is such an unusual shot for your blog. I had to do a shake of the old head!

  5. Yes, this is a bit different from the usual architecture and landmarks that I feature. When I saw this kombi, I thought it was something unusual that needed to be recorded somewhere. Just thought I'd mix it up a bit here to keep things interesting. :)

  6. I love the old VW vans. Many years ago I so wanted one, but it didn't happen. That's a really nice example, even if ironically it serves a capitalist master now.

  7. Oh I love this picture. We used to have one many many years go.

  8. I love it, wonderful colours and, being a Singaporean beer, it fits very well with the Chinese New Year. You should branch out more often.

  9. Wow! That did bring back memories and a great laugh! Nothing like a glance at the past! Terrific for the day!


  10. I never see vans like these anymore, but I used to back home. That one sure is bright!

  11. Why am I expecting the Scooby Doo gang to jump out of there any minute.

  12. JBar: That is neat, you don't see those VW Van's around much any more.

  13. It's certainly eye-catching, whatever its purpose. And it fits in with the Chinese New Year very well.

  14. Reminds me of my old hippie days!!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Like Lois said: it brings back memories. And it certainly draws attention.

  17. Not a bad way to advertise! It will catch your attention in several ways, not the least because of the color!

  18. wow, its styling, looks like a fun ride and nice colors too, can i have a ride????

  19. Great idea for advertisement with eye-catching colour and great art work. Love it. Great shot!

  20. Brings back fond memories of when I was growing up. A great campaign, I think!

  21. Great photograph. The advertising industry can co-opt anything it seems.

  22. That sure looks an effective way to advertise.

  23. That's funny!! At first it reminded me of Eugene OR (the city near where we have been staying until recently), because it is rather famous for being sort of a throw back to the "hippie" 60s and such vans are still pretty commonly seen around town. But not used as advertising.

  24. Occasionally over her you see a couple of kids in a painted kombi, looking like they need a bath. Mind you, it wasn't so long ago when I was On the Bus too! Nice shot. Greetings from Italy via MyWorld!

  25. I enjoyed the architecture, liked the tigers and love this VW.

  26. Those vans have a long history of being cool and they still are. Nice paint job.

  27. its like flower power all over again. what a groovy contribution to my world. :)

  28. Well it fits in with the Chinese New Year theme. Great colours.

  29. I love the VW kombi! This one is stunning!

  30. Terrific to see the old VW kombi being put to good use.

    We toured around NZ in one about 15 years ago. Great vehicle. :)

  31. cool vehicle J! Similarly styled and jazzed Cabbie-oke cabs are also doing the rounds in Sydney..I found out some interesting vids on YouTube as well.. take a look!

  32. If that is an advertising on that van, it is quite subtle. I do like the art work.

  33. Lots of nostalgia around VW vans. With advertising it's clear the times they are a changing. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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