Saturday 20 March 2010

The Rocks, St Patrick's Day

These Irish businesses on George Street at the Rocks celebrated St Patrick's Day this week. The Irish Design Shop (top) was decorated in Irish colours. The shop is in a former Victorian terrace house with the Tara Tea Room located behind it. The Mercantile Hotel (bottom) is an Irish pub which was overflowing with patrons and beer. The Mercantile Hotel, established in 1915 and built in the Federation Free Style, is on the national heritage register for its historical significance to the area.


  1. Looks like everyone was having a great time...drinking green beer, too, I'd guess!

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful weekend

  3. The Irish spirit is very much alive and well down under, eh mate?

  4. I don't know if other countries have Victorian terraced homes quite like Australia's, but we are lucky. The Irish Design Shop is gorgeous, and well preserved.

  5. Good ol' Irish. You captured the St Paddys Day atmosphere nicely.

  6. Chuck Pefley, we always have big St. Patrick's Day celebrations. We have a lot of people in Australia with Irish heritage.

  7. Hi Jim -- that looks like a great place to party. I usually don't see people in your pictures (I just realized) but it definitely worked to show the crowds in front of the pub for this occasion!

    We had computer problems so I'm going back now to scroll down and catch up on about a week's work of your beautiful buildings and city.

  8. What is it about St. Patrick's Day that makes us all Irish on March 17? Everyone here wears at least some green on this day. Otherwise, you might get pinched!

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  9. Sometimes I wish I still lived in Sydney. Other times I don't. I should stop looking at your wonderful photos.

  10. I like the shop. Always enjoy a stroll around The Rocks.

  11. Great pics - I must admit that I totally missed St Patrick's Day, so it's really nice to see your photos.

  12. Have a great day! Thanks for sharing and commenting on my blog. :)

  13. What an wonderful St. Patrick's Day celebration. Lovely and amazing photos. Have an awesome weekend : )

  14. Ah! Yes! The one day a year when everyone is Irish!

    «Louis» thanks you for visiting San Francisco Bay Daily Photo!


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